
Radhanath Swami’s Lesson in Leadership

During a press conference, former tennis great Billie Jean King was asked how she dealt with pressure, and she responded, “Pressure is a privilege. It only comes to those who have earned it.” This quote is one of my favourites, but it’s nonetheless hard when pressure gets on your nerves.

I remember. My husband and I were called upon to take a major responsibility some years ago. Bhakti Rasamrita Swami, the charismatic leader who developed a flourishing congregation of thousands in Belgaum, India, had moved out of Belgaum to answer an emergency elsewhere. The congregation, desperate for a leader, approached us. But how could my husband and I—even when put together—match the leadership calibre of Bhakti Rasamrita Swami? Fretful, I awaited an opportunity to seek the guidance of my guru Radhanath Swami before accepting the offer.

In my seventy-odd years in this world, I have often learnt lessons in the most informal settings. And this time I learnt one on a walkway. My daughter-in-law and I were on a stroll. Suddenly, we spotted Radhanath Swami walking out of Vrindavan Forest, his favourite garden in Mumbai, unaccompanied. My daughter-in-law probed me to grab this opportunity to discuss-out the Belgaum issue. So I walked to Radhanath Swami and burst out, “I am scared!”

“Are you scared of ME?” He first faked a quizzical look, before his body rocked in laughter. Even this initial exchange lifted half the pressure off me. “No,” I replied. “I am scared of taking up a leadership position.” I then went on to explain him my situation.

In the conversation that followed he explained how leadership is about becoming a servant of those we lead, it is about giving love to those we lead, it is all about being the best we can be—for the welfare of those we lead. “So just be yourself,” he concluded. “Don’t try to impress, but give love.”

The conversation lifted off all the remaining pressure.

–Kirtida Devi Dasi.


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185 replies on “Radhanath Swami’s Lesson in Leadership”

“Don’t try to impress, but give love.” Amazing statement. thank you very much

very inspiring article and wonderful statement “it is about giving love to those we lead, it is all about being the best we can be—for the welfare of those we lead” thanks for sharing and thanks to Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami never tried to impress others but always very very loving has captivated everyone’s heart whoever has come in touch with him.

Very touching thought by Radhanath be a leader means give love and serve as simple….

Just be yourself. Don’t try to impress but give love – very instructive and inspiring

every word spoken by Radhanath Swami Maharaj as a message, we have just to follow it to perfect our lives

“Leadership is about becoming a servant of those we lead, it is about giving love to those we lead, it is all about being the best we can be—for the welfare of those we lead” I wish more leaders would adopt this approach.

I am sure everyone would love to be under such leaders who follow Radhanath Swami’s teachings.

Great lesson in a great setting! Radhanath Swami is the most magical personality I know 🙂

One should learn from Maharaj what it is to be a true leader. Very nice article. Thanks for sharing.

Radhanath Swami’s way of explaining anything, from a petty easiest thing to the most complicated ones is so unique that it is just perfect.

Radhanath Swamiji has a unique way of explaining how to serve and love in the mood of a servant.Thank you for sharing.

maharaj’s words are just a reflection of the glorious life he has led.

everyone is in a leading role in some or the other front in life…’not try to impress but give love for the welfare of others’,this is such an important principle to remember

Thank you very much for sharing the words of Radhanath Swami “Don’t try to impress, but give love”

This is all together a new dimension meaning to leadership I am reading here. Becoming a servant of those we lead. I am going to meditate on this forever 🙂

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