
Radhanath Swami walks his talk

What truly are our requirements? Demarcating this elusive boundary between necessities and luxuries is a challenge that confronts environmentalists and spiritualists alike. Radhanath Swami’s method of demarcation is simple: we truly require only those things that we use in the service of God and society; accordingly, maintaining a healthy and fit body — for better service—is also a part of simple living.

Even during my initial interactions with Radhanath Swami, in 1987, I saw him live by this understanding. A monk at Radha Gopinath community had once requested me to get a pair of ‘simple’ slippers: inexpensive, yet protective. It wasn’t hard for me to find them; the road-side hawker across the street had plenty. But then, it was hard on me when I saw Radhanath Swami wearing them the next day. If only I knew the slippers were for him, I would have got another pair with better looks. But he looked least bothered over their looks, and used them for the next six months — as long as they assisted him in his service.
— Mr. Ashok Parikh.

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104 replies on “Radhanath Swami walks his talk”

this is wonderful example of simplicity, H.H. Radhanath swami maharaj ki jai

The most glorious things of God’ creation are also the most simplest… as is evident from Radhanath Swami’ nature.

The most glorious thing in GOD’ creation is also the simplest, and Radhanath Swami is a living testament to that.

This is mark of a person who is so engrossed & who takes so much joy in just being an instrument in God’s hands in truly helping others that external requirements that the world is so conscious about do not matter to him..
It is such a pleasure & good fortune to know about such a person.
Thank you

Radhanath Maharaj leads by example therefore he is great spiritual leader in ISKCON.He always prefer simplicity in his own life.By taking lessons from him we should avoid complicating our lives otherwise main goal of the lif to become God conscious will be lost.

What to say about him..Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshware. Guru sakshat parabrahma tasmai shree guruve namaha

To live such a simple life in today’s world is not easy…..It very easy to preach but to practise it , it takes a lot…We can see from Radhanath Swami’s example….

Thank you for this post. With every new post we are associating so closely with Radhanath Swami…

The “chappals” that you are speakign about are trademark of the poor in India. Radhanth Swami in a humble and saintly mood has chosen this. Radhanth Swami has travelled with these footwear through the world.

Radhanath Swami actually practices before preaching. Thanks for sharing this incident which actually draws a fine line between neccessity and luxury.

This is surely simplicity in action. I heard even Radhanath Swami’s clothes are never ironed. They are just washed and dried in the sun to perfection!

It is very difficult to walk on our talk in this age of Kali, only pure souls who doesn’t have any other mottive other than pleasing Krishna can do that. Radhanath Swami is such pure soul so he can maintain such simplicity without a ting of hypocracy.

Thank you very much prabhu for sharing this wonderful experiance with Radhanath Swami.

Radhanath Swami – so spiritually realised and yet so simple. He can easily enjoy the comforts offered by his numerous followers, yet he chooses to remain a simple monk. Radhanath Swami surely walks his talk

By good fortune one becomes eligible to cross the ocean of nescience, and when one’s term of material existence decreases, one may get an opportunity to associate with pure devotees. Those slippers material existence had decreased and now they are liberated.

This is not a stray occurrence of how Radhanath Swami is. Simplicity can be defined beyond the mere dictionary meaning his life story is testimony to his simplicity

H.H.Radhanath Swami has shown that simplicity is very essential for spiritual progress.

Simplicity & humility are the hallmarks of Radhanath Swami’s persona. No wonder he inspires so many of the new generation kids all around the world who are looking for a real sadhu for spiritual guidance

Radhanath Swami is a great spiritual leader whose walk is his talk and whose talk is his walk.

It seems geunine simplicity requires purity of heart and I find HH Radhanatah Swami’s simplicity is a reflection of his purity that makes the simplcity shines.

acharya is one who follow as per his teachings and radhanath maharaj is absolutely as per this

Radhanath Swami is an ideal person who i have seen to truly walk by his talk. That is He exemplifies, that Practise before you preach. He goes beyond that. He experiences sublime bliss in doing that and shares that bliss with others. All glories to Radhanath Swami.

To be Simple is very difficult in this world… Radhanath Swami is practicing what he is preaching!!! I am highly impressed!!!

maharaj just doesn’t speak.he follows what he speaks. this is one example for that. thank you pr for sharing this wonderful experience.

this story reminds me that whatever service I do, I should do it as though I’m doing it for God. thanks for the reminder!

The higher u go , tuffer it becomes to stay simple. Radhanath Swami is exactly opposite-absolutely uneffected by such innumerable success, fame,followers etc.

HH RADHANATH SWAMI MAHARAJ is a walking and talking eg of all the great qualities posible

Radhanath Swami Maharaj is so simple and down to earth, it’s very rare to see a leader with the qualities shown by him.

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