
Radhanath Swami Forethought of my Dilemma

When I retired as the University Head of the Department of Chemistry, Bombay University, the sixty-odd research students I had guided during my career arranged for a one day symposium in my honor. For me, it was the second biggest occasion of the year, next only to the ceremony wherein I was awarded as the best university teacher for the entire state of Maharashtra.

On the scheduled day, I found myself sharing the stage with scientists, Vice Chancellors of Universities and many other dignitaries. The loudspeakers thundered my name, announcing my glories, but my mind drifted elsewhere. I could hear it whisper, “How wonderful it would be if Radhanath Swami were here.”  I had invited him for the occasion, but he hadn’t turned up.

That weekend I met Radhanath Swami at the temple. His visage conveying both apology and concern, his words spoke out his heart.  “If I had come for the symposium, you would have qualms about even sitting on stage. You would be discomforted all through the event, with me, your teacher, looking up at you from amongst the audience.”

Knowing my orthodox cultural background, he had rightly forethought of my dilemma and had thus avoided the situation by his absence. He had dived deep below the surface of superficial norms to avoid any discomfort to my mind. And in the process, though his concern, he comforted my heart.

— Dr. Bhaskar Hosangadi

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141 replies on “Radhanath Swami Forethought of my Dilemma”

A pure hearted saint is always very understanding, caring & concerned about our feelings. Thank you sir for sharing your experience with Radhanath Swami.

Thank you very much for sharing this.
Yes Radhanath Swami concerns about others feelings, this quality is there well before he came into spiritual path in his childhood.

Such sensitivity!As rightly said by Dr.Hosangadi,
“Radhanath Swami had dived deep below the surface of superficial norms to avoid any discomfort to my mind. And in the process, though his concern, he comforted my heart.”

Radhanath swami is so sensitive about the internal feelings of every individual he deals with. He also maintains his simplicity.

Radhanath Swami knows everyone’s heart because he has genuine love for all devotees

Radhanath Swami has this tremendous quality of understanding people’s minds & therefore he acts accordingly to please them….

Thank you for sharing this wonderful story – great lessons from Maharaj on sensitivity and care.

Thank you sir, for sharing your heart. Great souls like Radhanath Swami would always tries to never discomfort anyone even slightly

All Glories To H.H Radhanath Swami Maharaj

Prescience is the word. How our Guru understands us, and dovetails his actions so that we are never hurt.

Hare Krishna

HH Radhnath Swami Maharaj can understand subtleries of mind. He is very careful about his acts, always making sure that he is providing comfort to his disciples and others. Thanks for sharing your experience. He is like a ghee lamp glowing simply for the sake of others.

Radhanath Swami teaching us to understand going below the surface and trying to look at the real comfort of the person than his superficial comforts.

Only extraordinary people like Radhanath Swami can have such understanding of others’ situations and hearts.

Its amazing how deep Radhanath Maharaj thought about this and then decided not to go. Only someone with true love can do that.

Thanks for sharing this wonderful story that shows how much Radhanath swami cares for his students

A spiritual teacher is so much concerned about his students, not just at the spiritual level, but also at the mental and bodily levels. Radhanath Swami is glorious!

Thank you for sharing this wonderful incident which illustrates Radhanath Swami’s deep understanding of the people around him.

Radhanath swami don’t want to cause any discomfort to anyone. This is wonderful nature of him. Thank you for sharing this story with us.

This story illustrates how great saints are so sensitive not to cause any discomfort to others!

Thank you Radhanath swami for the love and care towards each and every devotee.

Very amazing..Radhanath Swami is truly so much loving and caring for all.

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