
Bhakti—Head vs. Heart

On 14th May a plane crashed in Jomsom, Nepal, and among those killed were eight Krishna devotees from Mumbai. Radhanath Swami’s reaction to the disaster revealed the heart of a transcendentalist on the Bhakti path.

On 14th May a plane crashed in Jomsom, Nepal, and among those killed were eight Krishna devotees from Mumbai. Radhanath Swami’s reaction to the disaster revealed the heart of a transcendentalist on the Bhakti path. A Bhakti Yogi realizes that the soul is eternal, beyond death—and that understanding keeps the yogi equipoised in the face of the death of a dear one. Yet, the yogi feels separation, for now the medium of exchange of spiritual love, which was the material body, is no longer functional.  Radhanath Swami said in the memorial ceremony, “When I learned about it the shock was so immense that it was difficult to try to philosophically reason. Sometimes things that affect the heart so deeply, we simply have to take shelter of the Lord. What is beyond our intelligence, what is beyond our ability to deal with is a time when we can helplessly cry out forKrishna.”

Radhanath Swami cut short his tour of the United States to return to Mumbai and help the near and dear ones of the departed take shelter of Krishna.

Few of us went to the airport to receive Radhanath Swami. As we drove back to the ashram, Radhanath Swami spoke of the eternality of the soul. He explained how the eternal souls of the devotees killed were under the loving care of Krishna. As a discussion ensued, a fellow monk chimed in, “I flew to Jomsom the day after the crash to collect the bodies of these devotees.” To the surprise of everyone around, Radhanath Swami responded appallingly, “Why did you go there?” Silent moments passed. Radhanath Swami was disturbed that another dear devotee had risked going to the same place. But this trip made by the monk was necessary, or else how could the dead bodies be procured for the last rites?

“I went to collect the bodies,” reiterated the monk.

Again silence.

“But…..but……. why did you go there?” Radhanath Swami sighed.

I thought. This sweetness of spiritual love amid a balanced philosophical approach to life is what makes Bhakti Yoga beautiful.

Krishna Das

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98 replies on “Bhakti—Head vs. Heart”

HH Radhanath Swami is very senstive and extremely caring for the welfare of the devotees as is seen here in this episode.

Radhanath Swami is really amazing, very caring & loving. He cares for all the devotees like his own children

Radhanath Swami teaches by his own example how a bhakti yogi behaves in most trying circumstances !
Hare Krishna !

very nice incident. Radhanath Swami Maharaj has deep concern for every devotee’s welfare.

very true this sweetness of spiritual love amid a balanced philosophical approach to life is what makes Bhakti Yoga beautiful.

HHRSMaharaj’s genuine compassion to each and every living entity makes him so dear to Krsna, Srila Prabupada and so many people around the world.

Maharaj’s presence in the critical time shows how he is caring for the need of devotee.

This incident again clearly shows how KC is trully a practical scientic methodology. It not only teaches philosphical aspect of life but also makes our heart like butter where we do care for each & every leaving beings and have a genuince concern compared to Am good/happy philosphy

This is so wonderful that even when Maharaja has no blood relation with any one of the departed great souls, but still his heart was so deeply affected. This shows that he is actually the spiritual father of all these wonderful devotees who had passed away to continue their service elsewhere under Krishna’s loving care.

This episode shows that how Maharaji cares and love all his devotees around Him.

HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj is so concerned and caring for all his devotees and it can be seen from this experience also, ys, bhakti

The overwhelming emotions of selfless love in service to Krishna is soul touching…..

We can learn from this experience with HH Radhanath Swami on how to value each and every devotee.

Maharaj’s Mumbai trip would have taken a toll of his health. Still he said, “If I don’t go, it will take a toll of my heart”. And he came to Mumbai risking his own health. All glories to him!

The spiritual father is always concerned about all of his children. Thank you Maharaja for loving all of us so dearly even though we are so fallen.

True we are not the body but the soul but in times of pain it is difficult to understand the philosophy. Bhakti is not dry philosophy, it is emotional too and it is the association of devotees that lessen the pain of separation of loved ones.Thank you Maharaj for being so loving and caring.

Life made beautiful by —This sweetness of spiritual love amid a balanced philosophical approach to life is what makes Bhakti Yoga beautiful

Radhanath Swami is so compassionate, loving and caring which shows that Bhakti is not something dry and emotionless.

Radhanath Maharaj is compassionate and cares his disciples and devotees very much. He is willing to make many sacrifices so that devotees are comfortable and get inspiration to progress in devotional service.

Radhanath Swami explains the truth with exemplary of his own behavior, thank you for sharing.

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