
Radhanath Swami While Walking Through the Courtyard…

This happened in 2000. My daughter, age six, played with her friends in the courtyard of Radhgopinath Temple, while my wife and I socialized in a nearby garden. Radhanath Swami, while passing through the courtyard, stepped right in front of my daughter. His face radiating a smile, and his fingers pointing to her, he announced to no one in particular, “She is my friend.” Then he walked away.

My little daughter felt assured that Radhanath Swami knew her and loved her. Her confidence in that relationship wouldn’t diminish, despite any second interaction with him, for years. My wife and I were amused by her childish innocence, “Radhanath Swami might have passed that remark to thousands just to make them feel good. How could he know all of them, let alone love all of them?!” But we didn’t have the heart to disappoint her.

In 2010, one Sunday, my daughter, now sixteen, talked with her friends in the courtyard of Radhagopinath Temple, while my wife and I socialized in the nearby garden. Radhanath Swami, while passing through the courtyard, stepped right in front of my daughter. His face radiating a smile, and his fingers pointing to her, he announced to no one in particular, “She is my friend.” Then he walked away.

Now, even we felt assured that Radhanath Swami knew our daughter and loved her. How unambiguously had he conveyed the feelings of his heart to a child, through just a little interaction! And how wonderfully was the truth of that relationship revealed to us today!

– Rajendra Kumar mahadev pujari

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129 replies on “Radhanath Swami While Walking Through the Courtyard…”

Radhanath Swami’s interactions with devotess is not of body but of soul. He is a very loving, caring and unique individual who shows love and affection to everyone.

Your daughter is very fortunate. Radhanath Swami has unlimited love and compassion for every living entity. Thats the reason anyone gets attracted to him.

HH Radhanath Swami knows the value of personal dealings. He is not a hard-hearted aloof spiritualist, but a soft-hearted and warm one. His book “The Journey Home” reveals more about his loving and lovable demeanor.

We see in “The Journey Home” Radhanath Swami remembers all people he met throughout his journey. He gives lot of importance to building relationships. He is truely people oriented.

Divine relationship never be understood by material knowledge. Radhanath Swami remains always spiritual.

It is amazing that His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaj has so many students or disciples but he can give personal attention to each and every one in a form which is best for that individual. And not just the disciple, Radhanath Swami treats even the family members in a very special way. Yet, each such incident is amazing.

just amazing to see the manner in which HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj makes one feel so special, thanks for sharing, rajesh karia

this expereince reminds me when Radhanath Swami Maharaj had very gently with his fingers touched the forehead of our dauhgter soumyaa who is 6yrs now and made her feel very special and showered his mercy upon her, beautful expereines and thanks for sharing, bhakti

Maharaj has a very big heart full of love and affection. Your daughter is really fortunate. Thanks for sharing this wonderful experience.

Radhanath Swami has an amazing way of dealign with every one. Very personal and endearing – just one statement can carry you through life.

Maharaj always touches our heart even with his small interactions. He is again teaching us how he cares for each and everybody’s feelings and reciprocates with that thus inspiring us to surrender.

Very nice experience Prabhuji. Its quite often that Radhanath Swami remembers every minute details as far as relationships are concerned. That is why every soul wants the association of Radhanath Swami.

very nice personal experience how after so many years also radhanath swami remember the Little girl radhanath swami ki jay !

This is the nature of true pure spiritual relationships. How do we understand this ? It can only be found in the divine personality of pure saintly devotees like Radhanath Swami

Radhanath Swami must have professed his love to a million people and he means it it every instance. His love is unconditional in every respect, even when not reciprocated.

However significant or insignificant a person may be, Radhanth Swami’s interaction with the person is always significant.

Nice one. Thanks for sharing.
These simple reciprocations of Radhanath Swami are keeping so many persons on track.

Radhanath Swami is amazing.The depth of relationship he has with everyone he meets is simply inconceivable.

your daughter is a very special soul, she got such amazing blessing from Maharaj. thsnk you for sharing this wonderful pastime

It’s so amazing to see how Radhanath Swami while dealing takes even kids seriously. He means what he speaks. Walking the talk…very rare quality.

Radhanath Swami’s love and affection extends to the entire universe and beyond. Therefore he makes everyone feel special.

Radhanath Swami’s walks in the temple & his interations with devotees on his walks are very special & memorable… fact a full book can be written on devotees’s experiences on that….

Everybody who comes in contact with Radhanath Swami even for a moment gets the feeling of having a special relationship with him.

Its really amazing story. Your daughter is really lucky to get Radhanath Swamis Mercy.

Thank you, for such a loving relation of your dauf=ghter with great personality Radhanath swami maharaj.

Thank you, for such a loving relation of your dauf=ghter with great personality Radhanath swami maharaj.

Thank you, for sharing with all of us about loving relation of your daughter with Radhanath swami maharaja lover of all beings.

Radhanath Swami is a real friend to every one. The entire world may change, but the love and affection of Radhanath Swami does not change for all the living beings.

From this incident it seems that Maharaj has special relationship with each and every person

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